Maggie Colthurst
Mean Girls Comparison Photo. Made on Canva on February 12th, 2024.
There has been a lot of excitement surrounding the upcoming remake of the Mean Girls (2024) movie. People have expressed different opinions, some positive and others negative. The script has been modified to reflect the changes that have taken place over the past two decades, resulting in fewer jokes that could be considered offensive in the new version. While some of the iconic lines from the original film have been retained, several popular songs from the musical have been removed.
“They made the movie to fit more with the time we’re in now. I think they overdid it. The point of the movie is that they say mean things and are mean girls, and the new movie took out any joke that could be mildly offensive to any specific group of people, so a lot of the old jokes were taken out,” said Ava Becker, a Mean Girls fan.
Before we jump into subjective comparisons, let’s look at the statistics of the two Mean Girls movies. The 2004 version lasted 1 hour and 37 minutes and was produced with a budget of 17 million dollars. In Canada and the US, it grossed 24 million dollars on its opening weekend. It performed well and ranked as the 28th highest-grossing movie in 2004. On the other hand, the 2024 version of Mean Girls lasted 1 hour and 52 minutes and was produced with a budget of 36 million dollars. In the US and Canada, it grossed 28 million dollars on its opening weekend.
“I don’t think the new movie will have nearly as much of an impact as the old one. The original Mean Girls is so iconic, and the new one doesn’t measure up. I also think a lot of the aspects of the new movie are too current and on the nose of social media culture, so in a few years, it won’t make a lot of sense.” Katy Fields, a freshman who’s seen the movie, said.
Both Mean Girls movies were successful, but people prefer the 2004 one. The newer version made some changes, with some original jokes removed or altered. There may have been too many edits made, making the movie feel too modern for fans of the original. This made some viewers feel that the movie was overdone and not as funny as the original. It’s difficult to compare the two movies as they come from different times and perspectives, but both were undoubtedly enjoyable.