Failure: A Love Story

Failure: A Love Story introduces the Fail Sisters. Nelly first, then Jenny June and Gerty last.
This year, SCAPA/Lafayette Theatre is putting on the play, Failure: A Love Story. The show will be performed here at Lafayette High School and also go to Kentucky Theatre Festival. The festival hosts schools and organizations from all around Kentucky to perform their pieces. They will perform at the regional level for Kentucky Theatre Association. If the show gets passed, they will move onto to the state level. Then, the show might go onto to South Eastern Theatre Conference known as SETC.
The play tells the story of the Fail sisters and by the end of 1928, all three Fail sisters will be dead. Their parents, first, die in a horrible car accident after having their children and moving to the US. The Fail sisters expire in reverse order, youngest to oldest, from blunt object to the head, disappearance, and finally consumption after their parents death. Tuneful songs, and a whimsical chorus follow the story of Nelly, Jenny June, and Gerty as they live out their lives above the family clock repair shop near the Chicago River, before their time unexpectedly runs out. A magical, musical fable where, in the end, the power of love is far greater than any individual’s successes or failures. The story, also, follows their brother, John N, and each Fail sisters lover, Mortimer Mortimer. The semblance of the clocks is that the Fail sisters time will eventually come to an end. For this show, cast has been working on using their bodies to represent the objects in the scene.
Since the start of school in August, the cast and crew have been working hard, under the direction of Amie Kisling, to make this show a success.
The play was performed on October 24th and 25th at 7 pm and October 26th at 2 pm and 5 pm. There were also school performances during 2nd and 4th block on Thursday, October 24th. These performances were in Beeler Auditorium and the show will be about 50 minutes.

Abbey Hall is a freshman at Lafayette and this is her first year in Journalism. She is a staff writer for the arts section. Abbey participates in choir...