Counselor Profile: Adams

Sally Adams, one of the school guidance counselors
Ms. Adams is the counselor who generally counsels students with last names that start with S-Z. Ms. Adams graduated from University of Kentucky for undergrad and Eastern Kentucky University for graduate school.
Ms. Adams hopes that her students know they can come to her. She wants students to be comfortable with her and build relationships with them through their interactions.
Those interactions begin with the suicide talks at the beginning of the year. The main goal the guidance counselors focus on is helping students understand that the counselors are here to help students navigate academic and personal difficulties. Students should know that they can come to the counselors to either get help from them, or more commonly, be redirected to a professional figure that will be able to help the student further. The Counseling staff want students to know early in the student’s high school career. The students should know that the staff in the building care about them. Ms. Adams generally helps kids with academic guidance, but often helps students with personal difficulties. Her goal is for the kids to get through high school and graduate.
Throughout her life, Ms. Adams always wanted to go into education, she taught at Tates Creek Middle school 8th grade for nine years. At TCMS, she said that she “felt like a counselor there anyway”. So, she decided to make the switch into counseling. Now, she’s been a counselor longer than she was a teacher. Ms. Adams loves the school setting and atmosphere of Lafayette. She also loves this high school in particular, and went to and graduated at Lafayette as well. These are all reasons she chose to work at Lafayette. She also stated “it’s the people, the counseling office is a work family,” and they have been together for awhile now.
Finally, I asked Ms. Adams what piece of advice she would give to the students. “Get involved,” she said. She went here herself and had just moved to Lexington, Kentucky from a small town and didn’t get involved in much around the school building, like clubs and different activities. She said that she regrets that because when you are more involved with the school, you can have an even better high school experience. “It could’ve been so much more had I made more of an effort to get involved and get me excited about coming to school.” Take Ms. Adams’ advice and join a group at Lafayette.

Wren Wampler is attending her first year as a freshman and in The Lafayette Times, she is an Opinions Writer for the newspaper. She writes fictional stories...