General Outfitters
General outfitters clothes
The Lafayette merchandise store for getting your spirit wear is called General Outfitters. This store is open during A day and B day lunches in the cafeteria and at football games by the different vending places, which means the different places to buy food during the games.The store is run by students and the school. The students participate in the store by helping sell the spirit wear and use the new skills they learn to make the store successful. The class of students that help run the store are the junior and senior classes. They are also open during all home basketball games when basketball season starts.
General Outfitters is a student run store that has the best school spirit. Their mission statement is to bring high quality merchandise for a price that is affordable. General Outfitters contains six departments which includes finance, sales floor, marketing, research and development, video and media, and virtual marketing. The store is finding different and new ways to promote its products by social media like the store’s Instagram: @lhsgeneraloutfitters, the website:, promotional videos and the General Outfitters YouTube channel.
While working the store, the students are also learning new skills like coming up with marketing concepts. They sell things like lanyards, wristbands, hoodies, beanies, hats, long sleeves, socks, shorts and more. They have new items frequently, so there is a wide selection to choose from. Stop by the store during lunch or the football games to say hello or to buy spirit wear to support the Generals.

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