Admin Profile: Mrs. Gorski

Violet Updike

Admin Profile: Gorski

Claire Gorski is one of the Dean of Students here at Lafayette High School, where she is a big part in helping students with whatever is going on that is affecting them in school. Mrs. Gorski did her under-graduate at Washington University in Saint Louis, where she studied financials. After a while, she realized that was not the career for her, so she went back to school to become a math teacher. She attended Long Island University and received her Master’s in teaching in secondary math and special education. She focused on becoming a Special Education teacher.

When she first started teaching, her principal asked her to become an administrator. She politely declined until two years later, when she finally decided to go back to school to get an administrative degree at Bank Street College. Mrs. Gorski has taken measures to make sure that she has the right education that she needs for her job. This dedication to her schooling has made it easier to help people. This year is Mrs. Gorski’s fourth year as an administrator, two years in New York and two years here at Lafayette High School. She has grown to know ways to guide students in a direction of success, even becoming a role model for some students to show that education can take you far with hard work.

The Lafayette Times asked, Mrs. Gorski about advice that she may have for upcoming seniors who may still be confused about what it is they want to do when they leave high school. She gave great advice saying that it’s okay not to know what you want to do, but always know that education is key to success.

As many people know, many students feel pressure to figure out their life by the time they graduate high school. However, it’s obvious that people can change their minds about their careers and change it more than once. Mrs. Gorski did this several times before she finally found what it is that she wanted to do with her life, which was to help students and be there for them. She states, that going to college is paramount to your success, meaning that it should be a top priority. While college isn’t for everyone, it definitely can be an important factor in improving one’s chances in life. Mrs. Gorski says to help with future success you should manage your time wisely, and have a balance in life. She even says that if you ever have any questions to come talk to her or your counselors or even contact the University you are interested in and ask them what would be beneficial to you.

One of Mrs. Gorski’s main jobs is to help students make positive choices. Sometimes that means intervening when a student is wound up and may potentially make an impulsive choice that could lead to administrative consequences. Sometimes this means removing a student from a classroom until they can calm down and regain self-control. Sometimes she takes the student to someone who they may be more comfortable talking to in the building. “I get that student to a place where they can calm down, and then it depends on if there is something I can help with in the moment, and if I can’t then I try to find someone in the building like an administrator who can.”

This can mean that she will find another administrator in the building who is available to help this student possibly open up, or calm down. As stated in another article, Law Enforcement: The Truth, Officer Roberts talked about how everyone in the building works together as a team, to improve the students and this community.

It’s also important that if a student does decide to open up with Mrs. Gorski, to know that she will do the best to her abilities in making sure that students’ problems are resolved. Whether that means talking to a social worker, a parent, or even a school counselor. “I try to build a support team. [I] always want the student to know they have someone to come to”.

Mrs. Gorski is an amazing person, taking others needs before her own. If anyone needs someone to talk to about anything that is bothering them, she is definitely the person to come and talk to. On brighter news, she is expecting a baby soon, and everyone wishes her well and congratulations. We’re here for you just as you have been for us.