Book Club
Books for Book Club
The Book Club at Lafayette is run by Mrs. Stephanie Schoff, the librarian. Not to be confused with the former Book and Film Club, which has since split into two different clubs after the sponsor decided to go on a hiatus. Mr. Gross runs the film club now, for those of you interested. This is Mrs. Schoff’s first year running the Book club.
The club always holds its meetings in the library, but the times and dates vary. Sometimes the meetings take place in the mornings, other times they’re in the afternoons.
If you’re wondering what goes on at a club meeting, last month students are reading any book by the author Steven King and discussing it with those who attend the meeting. They are going to be making FlipGrids, (a “social learning platform” that allows teachers to ask a question and students to record a response and post it for their teachers/other students to see) and there are usually treats/snacks at each meeting. The club is mostly student-led, as you get to choose which book you read, as long as the book choice follows a few guidelines.
If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Lafayette Book Club, don’t hesitate. You’ll never know if you’ll like it if you don’t come to a meeting. Mrs. Schoff says that your reading ability shouldn’t hold you back from coming, as long as you enjoy reading, everyone is welcome.

Emma Gober is a freshman at Lafayette High School. She moved to Lexington, Kentucky from Dallas, Texas in 2016. This is her first year in journalism and...

Emma Taylor is a senior at Lafayette. She has been on The Times all four years of high school, serving as co-Editor-in-Chief for three. This past summer,...