Fayette County teachers recieve long-awaited COVID-19 vaccine
Lexington, KY. Fayette County teachers and staff checking in to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on January 19, 2021 at the University of Kentucky’s Commonwealth Stadium.
People all around the world have been anxiously waiting for a vaccine for COVID-19 to be released. Fortunately, the time has come for Fayette County teachers, and they can now sign up to receive the long-awaited vaccine. K-12 employees throughout the district received news of the vaccine on January 15th, and could receive their first dose the following week. All staff that choose to receive the vaccine are expected to have their first dose by February 1st.
UK healthcare has already administered the vaccine to 12,000 people, and will administer it to teachers in four staggered groups, based on the district’s gradual return to school plans. The first group to receive the vaccine are transportation, food service and elementary staff, since they will be the first to return to in-person, when cases allow. The following group includes middle school, high school, and special education teachers.
The vaccine site has been centralized at the University of Kentucky’s Kroger Field. This allows a large number of people to enter the stadium and receive their vaccine while safely following the COVID-19 protocols.
Lafayette teacher, Mrs. Prather noted that the process was, “…so well-organized,” and that she only stood in line for about two minutes to receive her Pfizer vaccine.
“I was almost immediately placed in a station and given the shot in my left arm. The nurse was knowledgeable about the vaccine, answered my questions, and was in no rush. I didn’t even feel the shot; it was that smooth.”
Finally, Prather notes that the entire process, including post-vaccine wait time, took about twenty minutes of her time. Her side effects were similar to ones she had with the flu vaccine, running a low-grade fever and fatigue.
Not only is this round of COVID-19 vaccine available to teachers, but it is available to the public. Along with teachers, those who are older than 70 are eligible to receive the vaccine. Both groups are currently the top priority for the vaccine.
Lafayette junior Noah Sprout says, “I think the vaccine will be a great way to make teachers feel safe enough to return to school, while also protecting their students.” With the vaccine’s arrival, students and teachers alike are hoping for an imminent return to in-person classes.

Emma Taylor is a senior at Lafayette. She has been on The Times all four years of high school, serving as co-Editor-in-Chief for three. This past summer,...