Virtual Choir (How does it work)
Lafayette Virtual Choir Gala 2020 presented virtually through YouTube
Choir is one activity that no one thought you could do virtually. How can you sing over a zoom with 30 other people? How can you sing with a mask?
There are many concerns with having people singing while in a pandemic, such as spreading Covid-19 while singing. But Lafayette has found a way to keep having choir and staying safe. So far this year they have had two successful concerts, one being a virtual fall concert and the other being an audio only virtual winter concert. Some ways they are able to do so is contact tracing. When entered you must sign in with your name and phone number, keep your mask on at all times and be socially distanced. When Lafayette was still allowed to have in-person choir practice, they had been taking many precautions to ensure the safety of the students and the teachers as well.
“Before beginning choir, everyone’s temperature would be taken. Everyone would be asked to wash their hands, and everyone joining would have their name and phone numbers written down. We would remain 6 feet apart at all times, and everyone was required to wear a mask at all times. After 30 minutes, we would change rooms into a new, and sanitized room. In this room as well, all students remained 6 feet apart from one another.” stated by Alexandra Thibault earlier this year. Alexandra Thibault a senior and a member in the Lafayette Chorale and Madrigals.
As of right now Lafayette Madrigals are currently working on a virtual choir collaboration with 200 other students for 4 different highschools across the country. They are also working with university students from Oakland University, at which there is a choir called the Aeolians, the Aeolians are a Grammy nominated choir. The Aeolians are also the 2017 choir of the year winners, they also brought home the Gold from the Choir World Games in 2018.
We have had many opportunities to play sports and have club practices. Lafayette is one school that has been handling the Covid-19 restrictions very well, we have gone through this Covid year with very little shutdowns and have been going above and beyond with making sure everyone is safe.

Rylie Miller is a freshman at Lafayette this year, with no prior experience in writing. Rylie plays volleyball for both Lafayette and Lexington United....