Lexington Children’s Theatre Auditions: The Hobbit

Before The Hobbit begins at LCT, performers Kennedy Fuqua, Millie Matthews, Abigale Stokes, Malik Mulder, Madeline Logston, Cerise Archer, Lauren Clay Sampson, Brady Ernst, and Jenna Moseley have fun preparing for Lafayette's rendition of Grease.

Malik Mulder

Before The Hobbit begins at LCT, performers Kennedy Fuqua, Millie Matthews, Abigale Stokes, Malik Mulder, Madeline Logston, Cerise Archer, Lauren Clay Sampson, Brady Ernst, and Jenna Moseley have fun preparing for Lafayette’s rendition of Grease.

Lafayette Theatre presents many opportunities, but when wanting to branch out in the theatre industry, looking into The Lexington Children’s Theatre (LCT) can be a great way to start. Starting in 1938, LCT created Discovery Productions, incorporating young artists into more professional performances by providing challenging central characters that are also young. Senior Aslyn Goodwin speaks of her experiences with LCT discovery shows, saying, “When I’m a part of the Lexington Children’s Theatre shows, the environment you find yourself in while working with them is like nothing else. It truly is like becoming a part of a family. And with each new show, it’s just you expanding that family.” Continuing for more than 80 years, Discovery Productions has been a hit from the start.

The first production of the new year is The Hobbit, opening on March 13, 2022. The play The Hobbit is based on the book by J.R.R. Tolkien, which has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide over the 90 years since its publication date. The Hobbit centers around the idea of a Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, who ventures on a quest with dwarves to search for treasure protected by a dragon. It is an adventure-packed classic, one of the top best-selling books of all time.

Aslyn Goodwin states, “The difference between the environment with LCT than between shows at school is with LCT you get to work with people ranging from ages, so you get to learn and grow because of all of the different people you meet.” If this sounds like a good experience for you, you should look into auditioning for The Hobbit.

Once you have decided to audition, there are several simple steps to sign up. First, press the link at the end of this article to fill out your audition packet. The form will include questions about your contact information, conflicts, experience, and more. Once you submit your form, you will receive an email confirmation that you submitted your application. You will receive another email later, giving the specifics of your audition appointment, including the date and time.

The options for audition dates are as follows:

Thursday, January 20th from 6:30-8:30 pm
Friday, January 21st from 6:30-8:30 pm
Saturday, January 22nd from 5:30-7:30 pm
Sunday, January 23rd from 4:00-6:00 pm

The performance dates are:

March 13th at 2:00pm
March 15th-17th at 10:00am
March 19th at 2:00 & 7:00pm
March 20th at 2:00pm
March 22nd-25th at 10:00am
March 26th at 2:00pm

Actors need to be onsite from 12:30-4:00 pm and 5:30 pm-9:00 pm on weekends and 8:30 am until 1:30 pm on weekday performances. Students will be missing six days of school if they participate in the show, so they must check in with their school to make sure their school excuses them. Students need to keep up with their schoolwork while they are gone.

Other requirements include: all performers must turn ten before or on January 20th, 2022 for eligibility to audition. All participating parties in the show need to be vaccinated for COVID-19 with at least fourteen days between your final dose and audition date. Masks are going to be required, except for the performances. Overall, LCT will follow all CDC and Kentucky guidelines for the show.

When going into this audition, there are a few things you may be thinking about. You do not need to take anything into the audition, although, it may be helpful to have a quiet activity for you to do while you are waiting. You should wear clothes you feel comfortable in, but also clothes that will show your overall shape. Goodwin comments on auditions saying, “LCT wants to see actors having fun! They want to know more than anything that you are willing to be able to enjoy what you’re doing. You can always be taught to be better but you can’t be taught to have fun.” Other things that the directors are looking at for this audition are typically qualities like movement skills, character development, vocal qualities, sense of focus, imagination, creativity, expressiveness, and honesty. Most of all, you should bring energy and excitement! Wear something that makes you feel confident, and always remember, the casting directors want you to audition, so have fun!

Once you audition, keep a lookout for an email about callbacks. Callbacks are going to be on Wednesday, January 26th 6:30 pm-9:30 pm. It is not guaranteed they will take this long, but they will start no earlier than 6:30 pm and end no later than 9:30 pm. The specific times will be determined after auditions and will be in the email about callbacks. The final cast list will be emailed to auditionees on Friday, January 26, 2022.

If you get into the show, there are a few things you will need to provide from home. Base costumes, including socks, tights, undershirts, and modesty shorts, as well as shoes and makeup, will be expected from you during the show. There is no fee to be part of the show, but LCT does ask for at least 5 hours of actors’ parents’ time to help within the show.

Just because you don’t get cast in the show does not mean you can’t be involved. On your audition form, there is a section to fill out your interest areas in working backstage, and technical positions are available. If these positions are not what you are looking for at LCT, don’t be discouraged! The next discovery auditions will be for the Summer Family Musical, which has not been released yet. The more you audition, the better you will become, and the more well-known in the theatre community you will be. You must try again, fail again, and then fail better! Goodwin commented, “My biggest tip is don’t be intimidated by anyone! Trust me, everyone there wants you to do well, so don’t be scared to reach out of your comfort zone.” Good luck!

Audition Form: