DEAR ALEX: How do I join the Lafayette Times?
Dear Alex: I am a rising 9th grader and am interested in writing for the school newspaper. Who should I contact, and how do I join?
-Ready for Reporting
Dear Ready for Reporting;
The Lafayette Times is Lafayette’s official school newspaper, and it is always looking for more members to come and join the team. Mrs. McPherson runs the newspaper as the adviser. There is also an editorial board that consists of students, and there is room for other staffers.
The Lafayette Times is not a club but an elective class you can take each semester. The class is not incredibly difficult; the requirements for a good grade are to meet your deadlines and turn in some stories, which can be on whatever topic you choose.
From album reviews to football play-by-plays, there is always something that you can write about. There are also various roles you can choose. You can be a writer from different sections including, sports, opinions, and arts. You can also be one of the photographers that take pictures for the stories.
Since students make their schedules this time of year, it is the best time to join! The only requirements to join are to fill out an application form which can be found by asking Mrs. McPherson in Room 212 or the counseling office. We hope to see you there next year!
Alex is the pseudonym for the person who writes for the Advice Column.