Pro and Con: Year-Round School Schedules

Brian Valdez

The last day before Summer Break marked on the Lafayette Calendar.

We all know of the traditional 180 school days with the warm and nice summer break at the end. However, did you know some schools use an alternate year-long schedule? Year round school is just how the name sounds, there is school in session all year long with shorter breaks throughout the year.

It has become suddenly more popular with a 20% increase in this schedule being used from 2006 to 2012 with more than 3700 of these schools K-12. The purpose of this schedule isn’t expanded school time, but to instead reorganize the school schedule. While there has been an increase in this calendar type, there are still plenty of reasons for a school system to choose a more traditional calendar.

Here are some pros and cons of a year-round schedule:

Prevents summer learning loss.
Avoids overcrowding classrooms since the multitracking version of year round school breaks students into 4 groups which allows and 3 groups of students are allowed in which leaves more space as opposed to all the students being in school each day.
Students who need to have access to the health services of school can access it year round.
Less time spent reviewing old material.
Year round salary for teachers.

Summer break provides a long 2 month rest for teachers as opposed to the year-round school schedule which provides 4 days to 2 weeks each month and not a much longer break than that.
Summer sports, camps, or jobs aren’t catered toward a year round schedule.
Costs more to run a school year round.
Coming back from break allows students time to learn new schedules and adapt to different classes.

In conclusion, Year-Round school certainly offers some nice benefits that you won’t find in your traditional calendar. With students having access to the health services offered and teachers staying employed throughout the year, year round school offers something for both students and teachers.

The Bardstown district in Kentucky has taken initiative on this alternate schedule. At first glance at the schedule you can see how different the schedule is compared to the traditional one.With 3-4 day breaks scattered throughout the schedule each month allows students to have a few days off.

However, people need a nice summer to look forward to sometimes.The reason why most people would prefer a summer break is because of the opportunities. During summer, students can apply to summer jobs and make money to support themselves and family. Aside from this, activities not offered during the school year are now offered, for example, summer sports, and camps. Lastly, students and teachers need some time to relax and enjoy a vacation so they’re not stuck in the same constant loop of school all year round which can be overwhelming to many. Only time will tell if more schools will follow in Bardstown’s lead and become Year-Round or stay how they are.