Lafayette Clubs You May Be Interested In

Malik Mulder

Bulletin board in English hallway full of club ads

Lafayette has over 20 clubs, each with its events and activities. There are so many clubs that Lafayette has to offer. You are bound to like at least one of them. Here are five clubs at Lafayette that you may be interested in:

BETA Club is an organization committed to helping our community in different ways. They regularly do community service projects and work together to think of better ways to serve our community. To join, you must maintain a 3.0 GPA overall, commit to scheduled meetings after school, commit to 12 hours of community service per semester, and pay a fee of $35. This club is looking for students who can be community leaders, display high academic achievement, and impact their community. The club sponsor is Ms. Detraz. Her email is [email protected] if you are interested in joining.

Speech and Debate Team
Lafayette’s Speech and Debate Team offers a variety of categories and ways to participate. There is something for everyone. In all speech and debate categories, you compete against other schools in Kentucky. There are 12 Speech categories: Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Poetry, Prose, Storytelling, Broadcasting, Declamation (for freshmen and sophomores only), Extemporaneous Speaking, Improvisational Duo, Original Oratory, and Program Oral Interpretation. There are three Debate categories: Congressional Debate, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, and Public Forum Debate. For more information, refer to the official 2021-2022 KHSSL handbook or the club sponsor, Mx. Fuller. Their email is [email protected] if you are interested in joining.

The Lafayette Times
The Lafayette Times is our school newspaper. They are more of a class than a club. To join the team, you must take the Journalism 1 class. That is where they write all their stories and do their editing. They will write just about anything: mostly school-related, of course. You can write about sports games, club events, and even album reviews. So if you like writing in any way, they will probably have something for you. Mark Journalism 1 on your scheduling sheet or switch to the class next semester. They are always looking for new writers and photographers. Mrs. McPherson is the sponsor of The Times. Her email is [email protected] if you are interested in joining.

Student Council
Student Council has several ways to get involved. They have multiple committees: DanceBlue, Homecoming, Teacher Appreciation, Spirit, and Philanthropy. Student Council is a great way to participate in school events and contribute to decision-making during the school year. This is a great club for people who want to get involved with planning school events or just spreading love and kindness throughout the school. They have plenty of things to do and ways to participate so definitely consider Student Council. One of the club sponsors is Ms. Schwab. Her email is [email protected] if you are interested in joining.

Y Club
Y Club or Student Y is a government-focused club that debates and discusses world issues. They have two events, one in the fall and one in the spring, called Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA) and Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA). KYA is a 3-day trip in which students from around Kentucky serve as part of a model state government. KUNA is a 3-day learning conference in which students from around Kentucky participate in a simulation of international diplomacy and discuss global issues. This Student Y is great for people who enjoy debating and are interested in politics. The club is sponsored by Mrs. McPherson. Her email is [email protected] if you are interested in joining.

If you want more information on any of the clubs at Lafayette, just click this link and you will see a list of our clubs, as well as a link to their websites.