Should Online Homework Be Allowed?

Lauren Mitchell, Staff Writer

There’s been a common struggle going around ever since technology was introduced: online homework. Nowadays, many teachers think every kid has access to the internet, so giving them online homework is no problem. However, not every kid has a computer at home or another way to access one.

This is a struggle I personally go through quite a lot. In my household I live with 70 year old grandparents and no working computers or laptops. So when the time rolls around where I have homework to do on the computer, it gets challenging. We only have one car that has many mechanical problems and a lot of our family uses it, whether it’s my mom or my brothers. Since it is used so much, there isn’t much time for me to be taken somewhere to do homework.

The major problem with this is that if I can’t do my homework, my grades slowly get worse and worse. Grades, though, are a extremely important part of getting scholarships.  I have to rely on scholarships for college, so without them, I won’t be able to get a good education.

Not everyone has the privilege of a computer or car. So when homework rolls around and they can’t do it, it affects their future. Completing homework is already a big issue and assigning online homework makes it a lot worse. If a student doesn’t have access to the homework, they shouldn’t be assigned to do it.