Students need to stay warm, not only for their comfort but also for their health and safety. Not taking the necessary steps to ensure their warmth could lead to severe consequences like frostbite or hypothermia and can weaken their immune system. Although the snow from the January storm is clearing up, temperatures are still cold, and it is predicted that more snow will come in February.
One way students can stay warm during these cold conditions is to layer up. To ensure the best comfort and warmth, they can start with a sweatshirt that is made from synthetic fabrics, and then add an insulating layer. For example, wear a sweater and top it off with a windproof outer layer. Using things like hand and feet warmers are also useful for keeping warm.
Another way students can prepare to stay warm throughout the day is to start their day off with some kind of hot beverage. For example, hot chocolate, hot coffee, or hot tea can warm students up first thing in the morning. Students can also bring blankets to school or even a portable heating blanket for when they’re walking into school as long as their teacher is okay with it.
Little things like students heating up their cars before school will also help. Not staying warm and dressing appropriately for the weather may cause students to catch sicknesses like the cold. When students are not warm, their body has to work harder to keep their normal body temperature, weakening their immune system.
Around this time of the year, the flu is going around, so staying warm is even more critical. Being sick during this weather can harm students' education by creating absences. Now that the essentials of dressing for the weather and tips on keeping warm are clear, it’s encouraged to take these steps to ensure the best warmth.