Fun Fact: Teachers Have Lives

Top Left- Ms. Schwab Top Right- Mrs. Trammell Bottom Left- Mr. Burba Bottom Right- Mr. Wilkinson

Victoria Steward, Managing Editor/Arts Editor

Teachers. We spend seven hours a day with them for 13 years. We get to know a little bit about them, but what about the things they don’t tell us? Have you ever wondered what you don’t know about your teachers? There are countless students who believe that teachers do only two things: teach and grade. But what about when they are not at school or what they did before they were teachers? Teachers haven’t always taught. Here is a list of things we don’t know about our teachers:

  • Ms. Costello has skydived. She has also lived in three countries and visited nine others.
  • Ms. Remley used to do Irish step dancing and played the fife in Old Guard Fife and Drum Corp.
  • Ms. Regnier has two chickens, both of which are named after Harry Potter characters.
  • Ms. Hardin graduated high school at age 16 and was a college sophomore before she could vote.
  • Ms. Franklin went to a special summer camp for kids with asthma and later became a counselor there.
  • Ms. Wright can tie a shoe using her toes.
  • Ms. Sherrow used to do fire performances. She also met an America’s Most Wanted man while backpacking.
  • Ms. Trammell made her own wedding cake and used to sell decorated cakes.
  • Ms. Labrillazo played guitar for a Hawaiian dance troupe while in high school.
  • Ms. Boss has lived in nine different states.
  • Mr. Spalding is a model and has been in several local commercials and advertisements.
  • Ms. McClanahan was the victim of a drunk driver. This led her to be featured on a billboard supporting seat belt safety.
  • Mr. Warner worked at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics inside the Figure Skating and Short Track Speed Skating venue.
  • Mr. Young was featured in the Golf Digest for Women Magazine.
  • Ms. DeWolfe loves heavy metal music.
  • Ms. McPherson decided to be a pharmacist, then went to clown school, before finally becoming an English teacher.
  • Ms. Schwab’s graduating class only had 11 people in it, including herself, and three of them were her cousins.
  • Ms. Reed was voted class clown her Senior year.
  • Mr. Love was involved with Major League Gaming, which helped him pay for college.
  • Ms. Habersack was 30 years old when she got braces.
  • Ms. Huber was an assistant swim coach at Dunbar.
  • Ms. Chastain used to work at Sullivan College and traveled, giving speeches about how to become a Nanny.
  • Ms. Bolinger was a part of the Orlando Opera Company and had to learn Italian in order to perform.

So, now you know, teachers have lives outside of school.