Senior Directed Shows

Rebecca Bishop

Sarah Morgan (Senior) and Amie Kisling (Theatre Teacher/Director)

Victoria Steward, Managing Editor/Arts Editor

Thespian Troupe #8552 is sponsoring a festival of Senior directed plays. The Lafayette Theatre department wants to give Seniors the chance to be completely in control of a show. Juniors and Seniors will get the opportunity to be Technical Designers for these shows. Students will be given opportunities they don’t normally have with the yearly productions. There will be technical and performance opportunities for all students.

All Seniors who are interested in directing a show can pick up an application on the bulletin board in front of Mrs. Kisling’s room (Room 120). These applications are due back by March 30th. Mrs. Kisling will meet with the directors chosen during the week of April 9th. The shows will be announced on April 13th. Auditions for these shows, as well as technical position applications, will be the week of April 23rd. The performance dates are tentatively May 23-27.