10 Ways to Not to Be a Dunce in the Hallways

Elke Coenders, Features Editor

Many students and teachers can agree that the Lafayette hallways are hectic during class changes (as hallways are at many other schools). This is mainly due to the overpopulation of the school in relation to its size, which cannot be changed. However, there are ways that people using the hallways could decrease the chaos and trouble for each other.

Stay to the right and be polite. This an old elementary school rule, but it is useful. If every student walks to their right, informal walking lanes would be formed. Students would avoid bumping into each other, having to weave around people, and blocking each other.

Be aware of your surroundings. Some people in the hallways attempt to speed to class (often because their classes are far apart), while others take their time. If you are in a hurry, be sure not to roughly push through others, step on the backs of people’s feet, or bump into people. If you end up doing this, make sure to apologies or say, “excuse me.” Also keep in mind that, although the traffic in the hallway moves slowly, the person in front of you is most likely not responsible for the sluggish transition. On the other hand, if you walk slowly, remember that some other students need to rush to class or to the bus. Try to be mindful of each other’s situations.

Don’t run. Even if you are running late to class, try not to run. Running can pose a danger to you and the people around you, especially because of our heavy backpacks. Although you shouldn’t run, you should also be sure not to walk very slowly.

Avoid texting while walking and everything else that keeps people glued to their phones. When people use their phones while walking, they inevitably walk slower. They end up blocking other people who need to get somewhere. Of course, sometimes people need to use their phones for emergencies. If this is the case, consider stepping to the side so people can walk past you.

Avoid walking side-by-side with your friend group. You may have friends who you want to talk with in the little time you have between classes. However, when people meet up with each other to chat, they walk slowly or come to a complete halt. They also form a “wall” that makes it very difficult for other people in the hallway to pass.

Try to be clear about what direction you’re walking in. Don’t swerve around and confuse the people who are trying to be aware of where people are going. If you do this, you make it hard for others to predict where you’re going and to therefore figure out where they need to walk. Also, don’t “play chicken.” Don’t walk head first toward another person from opposite directions and expect them to get out of the way because, chances are, you’ll run into each other.

The other people in the hall aren’t affectionate of PDA. A.K.A. Public Displays of Affection. This isn’t Europe. Your classmates don’t need to see you and your significant other’s love for each other, so save it for a time when you’re not standing in the middle of a public school hallway with hundreds of people around you.

Don’t set up camp in front of the lockers. In the morning, there aren’t many places for you to sit before you go to class. Sitting in front of the lockers are one of the few choices. However, keep in mind that people may use the lockers you’re blocking, so be prepared to move at a moment’s notice.

Hold the door and be kind to door holders. If you see someone right behind you as you’re walking through a doorway, don’t let the door slam  in his or her face. Hold the door or at least prop it open enough for people to catch it. Also, if someone is holding the door, remember to thank them. Try to avoid stampeding through the door with a crowd of people while one person is stuck, standing there for five minutes, holding the door.

Be polite when you’re going into the classroom. Yes, when you finally get to the door of your classroom after all of the trials in the hallways, you don’t want to let anybody stop you from getting in. But you’re only adding to your troubles when you and three other people try to get through the doorway at the same time. You’re also not doing yourself or the other twenty people leaving the classroom any favors when you decide that instead of waiting for them to easily exit, you push right through them in the opposite direction.

Be aware of these good and bad habits to avoid being a hallway dunce!