Parking Problems
May 10, 2018
Lafayette has a huge situation that administration has not properly addressed–student parking for underclassmen. There are no designated parking spots for students that aren’t Seniors. Even as a Senior, you are not guaranteed a pass to the Senior parking lot as it is decided by a lottery. So where do the 200+ students driving to school park every morning? They have to park on side streets.
Every green line on this image is a side road where students can park. On these streets, we have no guarantee that our cars are safe, or that we are safe walking up to the building. The students parking on these streets aren’t the only ones there either. People live there. Houses line all of these streets and each morning their roads are full of student cars.
So, what can Fayette County Schools’ Administration do about our parking situation? There are multiple places and fields that can be converted to parking lots that are empty and not being utilized. Students who are participating in off-campus school activities like EBCE, Community Service, and Co-op should be given priority for passes, especially those who are off-campus in the morning.
For now, my advice is to get to school as early as you can and park somewhere safe, close to school, and a legal parking place.