2017-2018 Year Math & English Textbooks


Nathan Elsensohn, News Editor

Every Fayette County high school has received new Math and English textbooks for the 2017-2018 school year . EnVision for math, and Holt McDougal for English. However, students have found that the EnVision Geometry textbook is riddled with errors and puts questions within the wrong sections.  Even the teachers’ answer keys are filled with mistakes.

Fayette county will be sending these textbooks back to the makers and will receive new, revised textbooks that will hopefully be better. Teachers and administrators are not happy with the current textbooks, and the hassle involved with getting rid of them after just receiving them.

As for the English textbooks, they aren’t necessarily error-filled, but they only have excerpts of notable works of fiction and heavily focus on non-fiction texts. English teachers have spent the year integrating the new texts which often require them to pull in outside resources to help students understand the cultural context and the plot holes left by the excerpts.

So overall, the 2017-2018 school year has not been a great year for textbook changes. Students and teachers alike are very frustrated.