AP US History Chicago Trip


The Chicago trip flier

Olivia Adams, Opinions Editor

It’s almost the middle of the school year, and exciting things are happening. State competitions, Homecoming, and sports are buzzing topics at Lafayette right now. To add to this list, the AP US History classes are going on a field trip in December.

Students taking AP US History have an opportunity to go on an overnight trip to Chicago to see museums, parks, malls, and most notably, Hamilton, a musical based off of the life of Alexander Hamilton. As expected, APUSH students are ecstatic. This is a great excuse for them to learn more about history and art.

Chicago is known for its architecture and its many various museums. Perhaps the most popular museum, and one that APUSH students will be experiencing, is the Art Institute of Chicago, one of the oldest art museums in America.

However, there are seemingly strenuous requirements to attend. Students need a parent signature and a 300 dollar deposit due by November 5. This is such short notice because the history department needs to buy the tickets in a timely manner, before the opportunity fades. An additional 95$ will be required after the deposit. Even though it may seem expensive, students will be getting a lot for 400 dollars. Food, museums, transportation, lodging and the musical are all included in the price.

Let’s wish our APUSH students a fun trip on December 6th!