Women’s Choir Festival
Grand piano in Lafayette’s choir room
December 3, 2018
On Thursday, November 15th, the Beginning and Advanced Women’s choirs attended the Women’s Choir Festival at Porter Memorial Baptist church. The Women’s festival is an annual workshop for the Lafayette Advanced and Beginning Women’s choirs. The Lafayette choirs are joined by a guest high school choir every year. Every year a guest conductor comes and works with the choir to work and perfect the repertoire. This year Lafayette’s choirs were joined by Dunbar’s Women’s choir conducted by Tiffany Marsh. It was the first year that middle school choirs were invited. The 8th grade girls from Leestown directed by Lynn Pryzgoda, the 8th grade girls from S.C.A.P.A Bluegrass directed by Amanda Wells, and the 8th grade girls from Jessie Clark directed by Candy Flynn all attended. The guest conductor for the day was Mrs. Beth Wilson, Professor of Choral Music at UK.
Lafayette’s Advanced Women’s choir sang, “How High The Moon,” by Morgan Lewis, arranged by Elliot and Rao, featuring soloist Abigail Bix, and, “What A Heavenly Night,” by Sally K. Albrecht. Dunbar Choir sang, “Inscription of Hope,” by Z. Randall Stroope and, “Metsa Telegram,” by Uno Naissoo. Lafayette and Dunbar combined their choirs to sing, “Will There Really Be A Morning?” by Craig Hella Johnson. All the choirs sang, “Festival Sanctus”, “She Sings”, and “Tango”.
Violet Updike a student in the Advanced Women’s choir says, “It was a really fun experience, and working with the conductor was great. Also, it was really fun to see all of the [students] from my old middle school”. Overall, the day was a great experience and all who attended had a good time