Teachers Participate in Secret Santa
Another angle of the diorama, where you can see the mice-teachers in a science room, performing their science teacher tasks.
December 17, 2018
It is finally December! 2018 has gone by so extremely fast.
December is the beginning of winter, the end of the semester, and most importantly, the holiday season. Festivities are being set in motion. Many celebrations have already begun, and feelings of excitement and anticipation are in the air (along with snow).
One such celebration is Secret Santa, which the Lafayette High School teachers and staff are eagerly participating in this year. “Secret Santa” is an arrangement where a group of people, usually coworkers, exchange gifts anonymously. Each participant gets assigned a person to buy or make a gift for, but the recipient of the gift will not know who it is from. In the end, every person who partakes in Secret Santa will have a gift that an assigned person got for them. This makes it thrilling and inclusive for every person who decides to join in on the tradition.
A big part of the fun of Secret Santa is not knowing who your gift came from. The bigger the group, the more fun you will have wondering who was assigned as your Secret Santa. When there are dozens of people who could have been assigned to you, the possibilities for what you will receive and who you will be designated to get a gift for are endless. For the most part, it is almost impossible to guess who got your gift for you, which adds to the overall fun and mystery. Unless, of course, they leave clues.
However, Lafayette High School teachers are doing Secret Santa differently than the traditional exchange gifts and guess. Instead of doing Secret Santa just once, they are doing it every week leading up to Christmas. The gifts are delivered to their assigned beneficiaries every Friday morning, where teachers either choose to open them in class at the urge of their students or, wait for later.
Most teachers, like Ms. Regnier, thoroughly enjoy doing Secret Santa. “I love doing Secret Santa because it’s a playful way to celebrate the season and do nice things for a co-worker. I also love trying to guess who my Secret Santa is! Currently, I don’t have a clue who mine is, but it’s someone who enjoys playing tricks because they put little elf spies into my Teacher Mouse diorama that is on display in the library right now. Ha!”
Overall, Secret Santa is a very cool and inclusive way for our Lafayette teachers to have fun and celebrate the holidays together. Not only is it fun for the teachers, but for the students as well, because it demonstrates the beginning of the Holidays and the end of the semester. Also, it is so satisfying to watch other people open gifts! It puts everyone in a festive and joyous mood.