Winter Guard “Through Stained Glass” and “Bird Woman”
The Lafayette winter guard has been working long and hard for their debut of “Though Stained Glass” and “Bird Woman”.
Stained Glass
February 6, 2019
The Lafayette winter guard has been working long and hard for their debut of “Though Stained Glass” and “Bird Woman”. The Lafayette Winter Guard has two teams, one for more advanced performers, and one for first timers/beginners.
Many people join Winter Guard for practice while the Lafayette Color Guard is off for the season. Others may join Winter Guard to have a better chance to earn a spot on the Color Guard for marching season. Of course, some students join just to keep themselves busy.
The Winter Guard has been practicing two to three times a week. Practices are held at Jessie Clark Middle School in the gym. The advanced guard usually practices three times a week for three hours at a time.
While learning lots of choreography, there are other performance elements to keep in mind. The students need costumes, props, and a stage on which to perform . The Junior winter guard reuses costumes and props from old shows, while the advanced guard or “A guard” buys new props and costumes that can later be reused.
“The Jr Winter Guard is performing ‘Through Stained Glass’. The concept is sunlight shining through stained glass. We spin flags and rifles. There is lots of choreography and very little time to learn it. As a junior team, we only perform once or twice”, said Jake Fitch, a member of the Junior Winter Guard
The Winter Guard will be compete beginning in early February and continue into March. Please show your support and come out to Campbell County on February 23rd or Bryan Station March 2nd to watch the Winter Guard and the Winter Jr guard perform.