Academic Team Wins First Place
Academic Team trophy
March 1, 2019
The Academic Team district competition took place at Lexington Catholic High School on January 26. Ally Watrous, who is a Junior at Lafayette, participated in the competition.
The Academic Team works on topics like US History, Art, music, literature, math, and science. They participate in quick recall tournaments. They will practice three days a week after school, beginning in December. The team consists of varsity and Junior varsity teams.
Ms. Holland, the sponsor of the Lafayette Academic team, said, “The team was very excited to win first place at the district competition!”
The Governor’s Cup is the team’s next competition, and will be on March 16th at the Galt House in Louisville. There is a math section and a writing section that will be held on Sunday. Recalls will be at 4:00 p.m.
The writing assessment test takes 50 minutes per exam. For math it’s 60 minutes. In between each exam, students will have a 10-15 minute break. They will take these tests in the Cochran Room.