Taste of Sunrise Travels to SETC

The cast and crew of Taste of Sunrise prepares for the awards banquet.

Victoria Steward, Editor-in-Chief

This past weekend, Feb. 27-Mar. 2, the cast and crew of The Taste of Sunrise traveled to Knoxville, TN for the South Eastern Theatre Conference. Taste of Sunrise won 1st at regionals and state levels of the Kentucky Theatre Association’s annual festivals. The top two schools at the state festival then move on to compete in the South Eastern Theatre Conference (SETC), which this year took place in Knoxville.

The two schools representing Kentucky this year were both from Fayette County: SCAPA/Lafayette’s Taste of Sunrise and Tates Creek’s Trojan Women.

At SETC, students spent two days watching 18 other shows from ten different states. Seventeen Lafayette students auditioned for colleges. Our students received innumerable callbacks and some even received college offers. Auditionees and other students had the opportunities to speak with college representatives at the Education Expo. Theatre workshops of many varieties were also offered to attendees.

The weekend ended with an awards banquet, where Taste of Sunrise won Best Incorporation of Sign Language. Kieshaun Butts who played Signing Tuc won Best Actor and Helena Schatzki who played one half of Maizie won Best Actress.

In the end, Perry High School from Georgia’s production of The Terrible Infants took 1st place, with Charlotte Country Day School production of The Crane Wife taking 2nd place.

Even though Taste of Sunrise did not place, the cast, crew, and directors are thankful for these experiences. This story has been one incredible journey for everyone involved. The relationships formed over the past nine months together are something they will not soon forget.

Kaitlyn Bowman
Cast and crew talks after the show