Orchestra Costume Concert 2017

Nikki Cesiro, Opinions Editor/Copy Editor

October 19th and 20th the Lafayette Orchestra opened their costume concert for families and friends alike at the Northsworthy Auditorium downtown with the inclusion of both the SCAPA and the Jessie Clark Orchestras. Families could come in, no charge, and see their kids perform the pieces they worked hard on. These concerts also gave the muscians a chance to dress up and, possibly win, best costume.

The pieces played were classics, or even Halloween-themed, and the students’ hard work truly showed during their performances. JCMS and SCAPA were able to perform for the audience as well. SCAPA and the two higher orchestras from Lafayette got to perform a piece together, wowing the audience with their abilities. Families were proud, friends were impressed, and kids had fun dressing up and seeing other costumes.

Mr. Kent and Ms. Fallon of Lafayette, Mrs. Hudson of Jessie Clark, and Ms. Campbell of SCAPA also participated in dressing up for the costume concert; however, the directors did not participate in the costume competition. The students dressed up in a variety of different costumes as long as they were able to play, so no gloves and no masks. Winners were announced before the last song and given a pumpkin as a prize, before sitting down to enjoy the last piece of the night.

The performances were beautifully played by the students, and beautifully conducted by the directors of each orchestra. Lafayette is proud of its music program and of its students that are involved. Lafayette was honored to have Jessie Clark and SCAPA join Lafayette at the 2017 Costume Concert and look forward to next year’s performance.

This winter Lafayette can look forward to LHSO’s Winter Concert. Be on the look out for more about the Lafayette High School Orchestra.