Student Y Attends KUNA 2019

Sherri McPherson

Johnathan Hurley, Deputy Secretary General for KUNA 2020 Abby Rasmussen, President of International Court of Justice

Yazmin Diaz Montelongo, Opinion Writer

On Sunday morning, March 17 2019, Stevie Lemons, Marty Nolan, and Sherri McPherson set off to KUNA. They took 44 Lafayette Student Y students to the Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA). KUNA is a 3-day experiential learning conference in which students participate directly in simulated international diplomacy. KUNA offers students the opportunity to experience the richness of cultures from around the world, develop empathy, and refine their critical thinking skills while engaging with a wide variety of perspectives and global issues.

KUNA is a conference where students participate in a model United Nations conference. The students at Lafayette represented two different countries: Ethiopia and Spain. They portrayed these two countries by wearing clothes that represented their culture, writing and presenting a resolution, and creating a display, sign, and flag that represents their country.

There were two resolutions that the students at Lafayette gave for their countries. The resolution for Ethiopia included: the implementation of sustainable farming practices. These resolutions were passed out of Summit. The authors were Bridget Bender, Maya Mintu, Claire Melvin, and Lorelei Watson.

The resolution for Spain included: creating jobs by researching and developing clean energy sources. The authors of these resolutions were: Bobby Lowther, Arden Ensor, Isabelle Logsdon, and Sarah Grace Sajadi.

Alongside the representation of Ethiopia and Spain, our school was one of six schools (out of 38 schools) that was selected to perform for the International Stage. Performers for the International Stage included both musicians and dancers.The International Stage performance aims to educate students and bring to light relevant cultural themes, resources and/or current/historical issues of the country represented. Our school created a dance/musical performance that represented Spain. Musicians included: Eliza Sayers, Rebecca Turney, Charlie Knox, Jack Clements, and Neleh Longworth. Dancers included: Angelina Pius, Ellen Woodward, Janay Barnette, Machlie Lamartiniere, and Anne Elizabeth Forker

Two students also participated in the Security Council: Chad DeMoss and Lexy Hatfield.

Audrey Fields served as the Editor in Chief, and along with Bonnie McCormick, our Media Corps representative worked to document the conference through blogging, vlogging, social media, and photography

Three students were selected for an Under Secretary position.
Under Secretary of Policy: Claire Qian
Under Secretary of Legal Affairs: Hart Hallos
Under Secretary of Legal Affairs: Beck Armstrong

Our school’s Student Y delegation was recognized for being well-prepared and modeling appropriate professional behavior. Some of our students earned awards or were seated as officers for the next year’s conference.
Outstanding Ambassador: Lakin Miller
Elected KUNA 2020 Deputy Secretary General: Johnathan Hurley
Elected KUNA 2020 President of ICJ: Abby Rasmussen
Premier Delegation
Global Village Honorable Mention

The Lafayette Y did an amazing job at KUNA, and we are all proud of them here at Lafayette High School.