International Thespian Society Induction
International Thespian Society banner hanging in the drama class.
April 24, 2019
The International Thespian Society is an honor society for secondary school theatre students. As of last school year, a new honor society was introduced to Lafayette and this society had nothing to do with math or science, this society was for theatre. ITS, or The International Thespian Society has a mission “to honor student achievement in the theatre arts,” as they themselves state on their websites.
Last year ITS held their first official induction ceremony on October 12th at Lafayette. Inductees were honored with a yellow rose, induction certificate, and induction pins. Inductees pledge to share their love of theatre and strive for excellence in their art.
To be eligible to be inducted into the ITS students must be in 9-12 grade, attend a school with an active theatre troupe, and have earned the recommended number of Thespian points (points are awarded for various assignments).
This year the ceremony will be held on May 3rd, 2019. Here new members will be inducted to the honor society and then theatre awards for the year will be given.