Choir Cupcake Concert
Cupcake Concert program
May 16, 2019
It’s that time of year, folks! The school year is quickly coming to an end, which means that it’s concert season.
Lafayette’s 2019 Cupcake Concert was a huge success! The first group that performed was Lafayette’s Women’s Choir. Their repertoire included Eja. Eja!(We Will Sing For Joy) by Mary Lynn Lightfoot, Al Shlosha D’ Varim by Allan E. Naplan, featuring Nina Bradley on the cello and Ellie Dennison as a soloist. Some other works included Aya Ngena featuring Brynn Deluca and Riley Steffey as soloists, The Glory of Love, and Over the Rainbow with Lanese Nieves and Nina Bradley as soloists.
The next group to perform was the Men’s choir. This group performed Gloria Alleluia by Greg Gilpin, Loch Lomond with Williams Atkinson as a soloist, Luck Be a Lady with Mason Franklin as a soloist, Hard Day’s Night featuring Virgil Lewis on guitar, and Lift the Sails in the Morning. The Advanced Women’s choir was the next group to perform. The Advanced Women’s musical selections were as follows: Niska Banja, with Flannery Rayens, Violet Updike, Ally Curry, and Dory McDonald as soloists, I Will Be Earth, Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirt, and Astonishing( Little Women)
As a special preview of the Mass by Leonard Bernstein, which will be performed May 20th at Singletary Center, the Advanced Women sang Hymn and Psalm “A Simple Song” featuring Williams Atkinson as a soloist. The Madrigals also previewed Alleluia from Mass. After reviewing these pieces, the concert went straight to the Madrigals performance of Seaside Rendezvous. The next group to perform was the Lafayette Singers, this group sung Tres Cantos Nativos, and The Storm is Passing Over.
Next, the Lafayette Chorale sang Anoj Pesej Dunojelio with Taylor Pollit and Alex Thibault as soloists and Wade in de Water. The final group to perform was Notorious, Lafayette’s acapella group. Their first piece was A Thousand Years featuring Alexandra Brown as a soloist, next was Sunflower featuring Sydney Taylor as a soloist, their final piece was Imagine featuring Micheal Merritt and Eli Brown as soloists. To end the concert, all choirs combined to sing Shout Glory and Irish Blessing. After the concert, everyone enjoyed cupcakes and basked in the success of Lafayette Choirs’ last combined concert of the 2018-2019 school year!