Symphonic/Chamber Mischief Night Concert
Mischief Night- Chamber Orchestra
On October 24th the Lafayette Symphonic and Chamber Orchestra accompanied by conductor, Mr. Phil Kent, joined with SCAPA Bluegrass’ middle school orchestra accompanied by conductor, Ms. Nancy Campbell, played at Norsworthy Auditorium. This is an annual concert that the orchestras always look forward to.
At the concert, students and conductors were allowed to dress up in costumes, the best costumes were judged by orchestra social committee. The categories ranged from best group costume to scariest costume. For example, one member won Most Comical, with his Oscar the Grouch. The best group costume award went to a group dressed cast of Stranger Things season 3.
The concert started out with Symphonic Orchestra led by Phil Kent. Their selection consisted of “Gypsy” by Tim Shackleton, “This is Halloween” from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and “Chant-Formation” by Deborah Baker Monday.
SCAPA Bluegrass’ Middle School Orchestra played. They played “In the Hall of the Mountain King” by Edward Grieg, arr. Lynne Latham and Fright Night arranged by Larry Moore.
The Chamber Orchestra played their selection. Their selection consisted of the first movement of “Conversations in Silence” by Conni Ellisor, Fugue in G Minor by J.S. Bach, arr. Francis Grant and their last piece, “Reflexions” by Carol Nunez.
The concert finished with a combined orchestra of the Chamber Orchestra and SCAPA Bluegrass’ Orchestra. They played three songs, “Days of Wrath ‘Dies Irae’” from Requiem by Guiseppe Verdi, arr. Deborah Baker Monday,” Psycho (Prelude)” Bernard Hermann, arr. Paul Lavender and “Vanishing Pointe” by Richard Meyer. This music ranged from baroque style music from the early 1700s to themes from soundtracks of famous movies.
Overall, the concert was a success and everyone is looking forward to the upcoming Christmas concert.

Violet Updike currently is a sophomore at Lafayette High School. She is the Chief Photographer for The Lafayette Times, she is in Symphonic Orchestra and...